Misha is a little reindeer with an adult-sized dream! This little orphan reindeer dreams of helping Santa fulfill the Christmas wishes of children around the world. But what Misha learns along the way is that he has an even bigger gift to offer – bigger than anything in Santa’s sleigh! Misha teaches children how to make their own dreams come true on Christmas or any other day. Get your copy of Every Reindeer’s Dream to discover Misha’s magical message! (Softcover)
Share Misha’s story with your children! Or, use his help to remind you that you have an inner knowing you can trust to guide you to realize your deepest desires.
Just like Misha, we all have inner resources that can help us achieve our biggest dreams. Following your inner knowing as Misha did will allow both you and your kids to tap into your unique gifts and talents. This is how we find joy, success, and happiness in our lives.
Meet Misha – New Reindeer on the Block
Misha is a young reindeer buck with an adult-sized dream. Maya works at Santa’s workshop. One Christmas Eve she finds the baby Misha near Santa’s workshop at the North Pole.
- Excerpt from Every Reindeer's Dream
Do you have a dream sleeping in you ready to awaken? Let Misha help!
Every Reindeer’s Dream is the story for each of us whether age “2 or 92+.” Within each of us are dreams, desires, and hopes longing to express. We all have gifts and talents that beg to be acknowledged and utilized to bring us fulfillment and joy.
What’s different about Misha and most children is that they have not forgotten how to pay attention to that still small voice inside their hearts! As adults, we often let the limitations imposed upon us by society stifle our inner knowing, the calling of our soul.
Our egos do all they can to manipulate our thoughts, to stay in control, and to keep us safe. It’s the voice of the ego telling us why our dreams are silly, that they’re too much work, why they won’t work, or we’re too old, it costs too much … Just ask yourself, “What thoughts are sabotaging your deepest desires?
Read this endearing story for yourself or share it with your children! Let the beloved Misha encourage all of you to have your own dreams—big dreams! He reminds us to listen to our hearts and to validate our own inner knowing. Allowing the beliefs of other’s to determine our wishes takes us off course.
Learn from Misha how to make your dreams come true? Like Misha, everyone can visualize your innermost hopes and dreams. If you don’t know how, you will after you read the book.
I’ve turned to Misha’s teachings more than once in my dream to make this book a reality. When I’ve become overwhelmed by the process of getting this book into print, my writing group has repeatedly pointed out that I still have things to learn from Misha! I must’ve written this book for my own benefit – not only to share it with others! Enjoy Misha’s journey!